Sunday, August 9, 2009


Can there be a more damning indictment of the US Environmental Movement Than This:

“In 2006, the United States passed the 300 million mark in population ­ that’s 95 million more people than were here for the first Earth Day in 1970 ­ with little comment from environmentalists. In 2007, as Congress debated the first major overhaul of immigration policy in nearly 20 years, leaders from the principal environmental organizations remained silent about proposals that could have added hundreds of millions more Americans during the 21st century.

Like immigration policy for the past 50 years, immigration policy for the next 50 looks likely to be set with no regard for its environmental consequences.”

Phil Calfaro and Winston Staples III

How many hundreds of millions of dollars have these counterfeit greens harvested from credulous dupes who assume that their conscience money is well spent in the hands of whistle blowers who make noise about symptoms but not root causes? What do they have to show for their efforts after 40 years? 95 million more people! And what of their efforts to save farmland? 2 million acres is lost to development every year. Nature reserves and park dedications? Studies show that as more land has been designated as a sanctuary for wildlife, development has become more intensive in areas outside of protected zones, where most wildlife resides. Climate change? Green house gas emissions have increased with population growth. The population of the United States increased by 43% between 1970 and 2004. And guess what, GHG emissions increased by 43% over the same period. Duh. If environmental organizations won’t grapple with that, they complete the hat trick. That is, they are worthless on three counts. Food security, wild life protection and in the battle which commands nearly all in their proselytizing: climate change.

And what of the economic costs of mass immigration to the United States? After all, it is economics which leads governments to resort to the quick fix of mass immigration to lower labour costs and drive consumer spending. As a result, American is about 55 million people heavier than it would otherwise have been, and besides the environment, the biggest casuality for open borders has been low skilled native born workers who have had to compete with them. As Bonnie Erbe said recently,

Recent immigrants and their children are swelling the ranks of job-seekers so that the number of applicants per job is many times what it would have been coming out of earlier recessions. USA Today reported three years ago: "The biggest driver of (population) growth is immigration -- legal and illegal. About 53 percent of the 100 million extra Americans (since 1967) are recent immigrants or their descendants, according to Jeffrey Passel, demographer at the Pew Hispanic Center. Without them, the USA would have about 250 million people today." Since only some 20 percent of immigrants have high school diplomas, job competition is most fierce among entry-level or low-skilled workers.

Aw yes, job security. Some thing that mass immigration advocates seldom have to worry about. More immigrants, more “welcoming centres”, more government sponsored immigrant services, more ESL teachers, more immigration sheisters, more refugee board adjudicators, more court staff, more facilitators for “Diversity Awareness” seminars, etc etc. A whole parasitical bureaucracy built to serve not Canada’s needs but those wanting to come here, and those who make money from their dreams. And what would environmental NGO’s do without the environmental damage caused by mass immigration? They would be like the Maytag repairman----nothing to do. How could paid functionaries justify their jobs then?

Tim Murray

July 23/09

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