Saturday, February 21, 2009


US College Speech Code Enforcers Face Penalties

At last a victory for free speech. But Canada does not have the 1st amendment, and America does not have a state broadcasting network to smother intellectual independence. The task of rooting out political correctness from our public education system, and CBC Pravda, is most probably an insuperable challenge. Only the collapse of our fossil fuel-based economy offers hope, for the mechanisms of totalitarian intimidation and mind-bending---the human rights tribunals, the workplace harassment guidelines and the ubiquitous CBC---are utterly dependent on the revenues that a post-carbon world will not yield. Judges, complaint officers, trade union ideologues and other factions of the Thought Police will not work for free. They demand the salaries and perks that this artificial economy has provided them. When the power down occurs, those who have made it their life to look for reasons to be “offended” will suddenly have to learn to grow a hide and experience the cold wind of an authentic democracy. They have lived in the hothouse environment of complete immunity from criticism for so long that the shock of freedom will kill them.

Imagine having to endure a dumb blond joke, a judgment on your lifestyle, a critique of your cultural heritage, or a surrender of the victim-role that you used as a club to beat down critics. Life is tough. Especially when you have relied upon the state funded propaganda machine to shield you. Finally you will learn that tolerance was never meant to require mandatory approval. Of course the collapse of state intellectual coercion from under-funding will also mean the starvation of the health and educational systems. Good deal. Then perhaps people might have a chance to get healthy and smart.

If I valued security, free medical care and access to approved information at the cost of my freedom, I would have arranged to be the guest of one of our federal prisons. They guarantee socialized medicine, free housing and access to the approved books of the prison library to all their inmates. The catch is you give up your freedom. Sounds like the bargain all Canadians made a decade or so ago.

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